Wellness Treatments

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Ayurvedic Treatments


This full-body massage focuses on maximum penetration of herbal oils and release of muscular tension. It is followed by a steam bath and a hot shower .Abhayangam is a basic step that stimulates and rejuvenates various body systems. This increases the effectiveness of any other treatment taken as part of an overall program. It has more enduring effects than a massage using mineral oils and lotions. Abhayangam heals by harmonizing body, mind and spirit.


Pouring of medicated oil, milk or medicated buttermilk on the forehead continuously for a specific period is called Shirodhara. When the Shirodhara is done with medicated oil, it is called Thaila Dhara. When done with milk it is called Ksheera Dhara and when done with medicated buttermilk it is called Takra Dhara. This procedure often induces a mental state similar to a trance, which creates deep relaxation of the mind and body. Relieves stress and strain related problems, slows aging, improves memory and nourishes the hair/scalp. Also prevents and cures paralysis, insomnia, nervous disorders and certain psychiatric diseases.

Herbal Steam-Bath

Every part of the body except the head is exposed to herbal steam.This produces sweat, dilates the channels of the body and facilitates easy removal of impurities from the system through excretory outlets like the sweat glands, kidneys and liver. When done after a treatment, it also helps the absorption of medicinal particles present in the herbal oil. The steam bath gives greater flexibility and suppleness to the body and reduces stiffness and swelling. Body becomes light due to elimination of excess water.


Pouring lukewarm medicated oil, over the body in a rhythmic manner, for a certain time is called Pizhichil (oil bath).This therapy is a combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana and Swedana. Pizhichil is considered as the most natural method to purify different body systems. It is indicated in rheumatic diseases, muscular disorders, sexual weakness, blood pressure and nerve-weakness. Prevents scales/wrinkles and promotes healing of fractures. This treatment is also advised for rejuvenation of the body and to prevent ageing.


This is one of the most popular therapies used for the purpose of body rejuvenation. Here a special type of rice called “Navara” is used for massaging which is cooked with a mixture of “Sida cordifolia” decoction and cow’s milk. The Bolus bag containing medicated rice is dipped in the mixture containing decoction and cow’s milk and made warm. It is then gently massaged on the body till all the medicated rice is applied on the body. Navarakizhi enhances physical consistency, strengthens the nerves and improves the appearance of the skin. It is a wonderful treatment for nervous disorders, rheumatism, osteoporosis, arthritis and malnutrition of limbs.


Fresh leaves are fried with several other herbs, tied into boluses, dipped in warm medicated oil and vigorously rubbed all over the body to induce sweat. Elakizhi is for chronic back pain, wasting diseases, joint stiffness/swellings, paralysis, muscular pain, sciatica, Spondylosis, sprains and cramps.

Choorna Kizhi

In this treatment powers made from the roots or various herbs are taken powdered, fried with a little of Rock salt, crated coconut and lemon juice. Then it is tied to a bolus bag and is used to massage on the body. It is Effective in curing arthritis, paralysis, body pain, numbness, degenerative and neuro-muscular diseases.

Udhwarthanam (Herbal powder massage)

This incorporates a massage focused on releasing toxins, followed by application of a purifying herbal compound that gets through the skin into the blood-stream. Afterwards toxins are ‘sweated out’ through steam/sweat therapy and then a flower or milk lotion is applied to clean and nourish the body. Excellent for weight reduction. Also for cellulite, itching/dryness and toning the skin/muscle after child birth/weight loss.

Netra tarpanam

The process of keeping unctuous substances (Medicated ghee or oil) in the eyes for a certain period of time is called Netra Vasti (Akahi tarpanam). This treatment prevents eye-diseases, especially night-blindness and blurring of vision. Also sharpens vision, strengthens optic nerve and cools down irritated and stressed eyes

Indian Head Massage

This incorporates the internationally famous Indian Head therapy with its deep penetrating technique releases muscular tension from the head, neck and shoulders. Head massage is said to promote hair growth, and maintain the gloss and shine of hair.

Ayurvedic Foot massage (Padabhayanga)

Traditional Indian foot massage (Padabhayanga) has a very special place within Ayurvedic tradition. Padabhyanga is considered most helpful in the prevention and treatment of illness. According to the Indian scriptures, diseases do not go near one who massages his legs and feet from knee to toes before sleeping, just as snakes do not approach eagles. When the specific oil is massage onto the feet with a focus on the energy points, in cyclic motions the massage helps in relaxing and lightening the lower extremities and provides physical relief and swelling. With the stimulation of these energy points, the Ayurvedic foot massage helps in treating sleeplessness, builds up blood circulation and preserves good eyesight.

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